P.O. Box 26651, Colorado Springs, CO 80936 gopalmerpark@gmail.com
January MLK Workday 1/16/2023

January MLK Workday 1/16/2023

Hoping that everyone has been having a good holiday season and is looking forward to the new year! We will be having our January workday not on the first Saturday, but rather on Monday, January 16, 2023 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. So, start your new year...

October 1, 2022 Workday

Fall is upon us and it’s soon the first Saturday of October, which means a GoPP workday in the park! Come out and help us in making the park the amazing place that it is! As we normally do, we will be hosting two events. The links to sign up with the city are...
September 10, 2022 Workday

September 10, 2022 Workday

Please come out and join us for a special workday on Saturday, September 10, 2022. We will be joining with great a veterans volunteer group, The Mission Continues, to conduct three activities in the park and to remember the events of 9/11 and to commemorate all of...
Bluebirds of happiness

Bluebirds of happiness

Visitors to the park have been seeing more of these guys lately. One reason for this is that this year, 2016, the Guardians of Palmer Park, in particular our president, John Hawk, along with our good friends Will and Kate Crow, installed several brand new nesting...